
Saturday, February 8, 2025

Flight # Scheduled Estimated Destination Flight Status Tracker
AC8320 10:05am 10:01am Vancouver Departed Track
WJA2180 10:55am 11:30am Puerto Vallarta Delayed Track
WJA3590 4:25pm 4:57pm Vancouver Delayed Track

Tomorrow: Sunday, February 9, 2025

Flight # Scheduled Estimated Destination Flight Status Tracker
WJA310 5:30am 5:30am Calgary On Time Track
AC8318 6:00am 6:00am Vancouver On Time Track
8P740 7:45am 7:45am Vancouver On Time Track
WJA2180 8:45am 8:45am Puerto Vallarta On Time Track
AC8320 10:05am 10:05am Vancouver On Time Track
8P744 11:20am 11:20am Vancouver On Time Track
WJA3400 12:20pm 12:20pm Edmonton On Time Track
WJA492 12:35pm 12:35pm Calgary Cancelled Track
8P1963 1:00pm 1:00pm Kelowna On Time Track
WJA3590 4:25pm 4:25pm Vancouver On Time Track
WJA994 9:45pm 9:45pm Calgary On Time Track
Data as of 2/8/2025 10:58:18 AM


The flight departure information on this web-site is provided by the Comox Valley Airport, on behalf of our airlines who are responsible for maintaining the accuracy of this data. Although the Comox Valley Airport makes every effort to ensure that this flight departure information is correct and complete, the Airport makes no representation or warranty of the content for any purpose, express or implied without limitation.

Flight tracking data is supplied by Flight Aware, an independent service provider that works directly with our airlines to provide flight tracking information. The Comox Valley Airport is not responsible to ensure the data provided by Flight Aware is accurate.

Please contact your airline directly to ensure the accuracy of all flight departure information and flight tracking data.